Products from our Farm – Farm to Table

The expression ‘Tastes of the past can not be longer found’ has never been so appropriate as it is today. More and more often the flavors of the food we eat are standardized, sweetish and dull; we often can’t tell a dish from its taste as the food industry shapes and affects the taste of food and people.
All kinds of vegetables are now available in the supermarket in every season and we no longer experience the excitement of enjoying a tomato in July or an orange in February. All is available yet poor quality.
At Fattoria San Michele a Torri we believe this is not the right path to follow; we have therefore undertaken a work of rediscovery of the authentic flavors by flanking the wine and extra-virgin olive oil production with some new products, apparently minor yet greatly satisfactory. For nearly six years we have been producing our own bread with our organic flour (ground in Molino Paciscopi in Montespertoli). The result is an excellent traditional bread, intense flavored and lasting several days.
Years ago we’ve started the rearing of Cinta Senese pigs, as well. We believe animals have the right to live with dignity even though intended for slaughter: in fact, our animals are raised in a semi-wild state and fed with grass and simple cereals as corn and field beans. We don’t use blends nor soya flour – often GMO.
The obtained meat is processed by our pork-butcher Luca Magazzini who produces great preservative-free salami with passion and respect for traditions.

Certifications and Awards of our Products

VIA DELL’AGNOLO, 101/R – 50100 Florence
Tel / Fax +39 055 2001926
VIA DEI RUSTICI, 6/R – 50100 Florence
Tel / Fax +39 055 289009
Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00am – 1.00pm and 4.00pm – 8.00pm
Monday: 4.00pm – 8.00pm